Tuesday, March 13, 2012

News from Archaeologist, Johnathan Gray

On the night of October 30, 1938, the sounds of “Ramon Raquello and his orchestra” were interrupted by the first of a series of increasingly alarming radio news flashes:

“We interrupt this program to bring…”

First came news of “incandescent gas” explosions observed on the planet Mars.

Then after more music came a hook-up (allegedly) to Princeton Observatory where an interview was broadcast with professor Richard Pierson.
He assured listeners that there was nothing to be alarmed at.

After another brief interlude of music, the first reports of a meteor impact broke into the program.

At that point, a place called Grover’s Mill entered the story. That night the sleepy hamlet was set to become the center of the planet for a large number of people.


Grover’s Mill had become the beachhead for a Martian invasion.
News flashes then plotted the advance of the Martians toward New York City, as American defenders were brushed aside and dozens of familiar place names along the way were destroyed.

An emergency government announcement appeared to confirm the event.

At Trenton, thirteen-year-old Henry Sears was doing his homework when he heard the first news flash of the invasion.

He took the radio down into his mother’s tavern below, and he and a dozen or so patrons listened with rising fear to the broadcast.

The men soon jumped up and announced they were going to get their guns and join in the defence at Grover’s Mill.

Recalled Mrs Thomas, also of Trenton: “We were petrified. We just looked at each other, scared out of our wits. Someone was banging on our front door.


"It was our neighbour across the street. She had packed her seven kids in their car and she kept yelling, ‘Come on, lets get out of here.’”

Panicked listeners began to bombard police stations with calls.

All were assured nothing unusual had occurred and that rumors were due to a radio dramatization of a play.

The cause of the panic was Orson Welles’ dramatic presentation of The War Of The Worlds, a novel by H. G. Wells.

About a million people believed a Martian invasion was actually occurring, even though the play began with this introduction:

“The Columbia Broadcasting System and its affiliated stations present Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater on the air in ‘The War of the Worlds’ by H.G. Wells.”

Three further announcements that the play was fiction were made during the program. It was even listed as such in newspaper radio schedules.

Obviously, numerous people did not take time to check the authenticity of what they were hearing – and proceeded to close their windows to block out poison gas, or to flee from their homes, or even, in the case of one man, to leap out of a window to his death!

If an invasion from Mars could be taken seriously in 1938, perhaps it is not so hard to understand a widespread acceptance of the spaceship theory of flying saucers in
our ultra-sophisticated 21st century.

As you know, Henry Kroll, there has been lots of talk lately about “extraterrestrial intervention”.


Unknown to most Americans is a dark secret, and it's right under everyone's noses. It's the reality of the existence of deep underground military bases.

These Underground bases get prominent play in dark rumors circulating about captured extraterrestrials and alien technology.

Of course, the fringe culture rumors speak of underground alien-human shenanigans.

But the question we all need to ask is, are these alleged "alien" connections for real, or are the stories in reality fed by leaks from questionable individuals, usually with intelligence connections?

Are they honest information, or are they simply a ploy utility for the status quo?
Is the captured-alien-hardware story absolutely true, or is it just a highly elaborate hoax to discredit those exposing the reality of these bases?


According to reports, in America alone there are over 120 deep underground military bases situated under most major cities, under US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers.

There are also, reportedly, many deep Underground military bases under Canada, Russia and Iran.

Almost all of these bases are over reported to be 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging from 10 miles up to 30 miles across!

They have been building these bases day and night, unceasingly, since the 1940s.

These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-levity trains that have speeds up to 1500 MPH.

The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and these again are basically whole cities underground.


But - are you ready for it? - here comes another shocking possibility: Are malicious entities posing as aliens from outer space? Do these entities have an agenda?
Let's face it. Something definitely is going on. But what is it?

Were you aware that 20 million Americans claim to have seen a UFO? And shockingly, more than 4 million claim to have been physically abducted by “space beings”.

Here are the core issues:

1.  Are governments really covering up hard core evidence of “other world” visitors?
2.  What about crashed UFOs and alien bodies?
3.  What are UFOs – really? Where are they from?
4.  Did aliens really bring civilization to Planet Earth?


•       What are the sinister Legion of Lucifer planning?
•       What is the occult connection?
•       What about alien prophecies?
•       Is it really possible to halt a UFO abduction?
•       How can you survive the coming takeover?

My team and I have spent hundreds of hours tying up the loose ends, so that you'll have the best information at your immediate call.

To access this life-and-death information, on UFO Aliens: The Deadly Secret, I invite you to go to

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